Friday, 16 November 2012

I have been addicted to masturbation

I have been addicted to masturbation

I’m Penelope. .... I am living proof that God is real, all-knowing and one hell of a powerful God. I have been addicted to one of the most invisible sins for as long as I can remember masturbation.
When I was addicted, one of my main desires was too hear someone who was suffering from this to speak up and tell me that there was hope. And that I wasn’t just some sick minded little creep of a child. No one ever touched this untouchable and iffy subject. But I decided I am going to speak up, so that all of you who are warding this ewness off and feel hopeless can hear my story and that their is Hope, a Hope so great that you will never imagine.
God is real, and this hope should be shared at all costs!!!!!!!!!!!!
I grew up in a Christian home. My parents taught me God for as long as I remember. I love my parents but the way they taught me God was as if he was an old man who did not tolerate sin. In my mind He was old fashioned, distant and a picky man who rarely took much interest in my boring life. He just stood their in the background not noticing me or caring as if he had better things to do. My thoughts were way off but I didn’t really see a need for him.  I was little and all I cared about was doing cartwheels.
I don’t remember the first time I masturbated. I was really young. I worked it out that I would've been younger then three. Whether demons attacked me physically, or I did it of my own accord, something before the age of three made me start. I don’t remember at all how it started but I do believe that demons where definitely going crazy that night.
  I was so vulnerable, I was still hadn't even learnt how to count to 50, let alone did I know right from wrong. I look at three year olds now and think about how sickening that is. I didn’t even know what sex was back then, and I was already having orgasms? I didn’t even know what masturbation was. I thought it was something that I alone did. I didn't know if it was bad or not. The Bible never spoke about it. But I always had guilt afterwards.
I remember being 8, and I wanted to stop. Something in me wanted to stop, I hated the guilt, it was unbearable so I use to quickly run away and ignore it before it could consume me.... I remember I went a few months without doing it, but I wasn't strong enough. I was really ensnared. I stumbled in so much darkness I didn't even realise.
When I was 11, I found out what Masturbation was. After a while I tried battling against it again. One day I would succeed against it, the next I would fail. I didn’t know if what I was doing was still wrong. I would occasionally ask God about it but I never heard a response. Or I thought I didn’t. I knew I what I was doing was wrong because I tried desperately to find excuses to make up for what I was doing. I didn’t want to be noticed by God for my disgusting act. I was really freaked by God back then that is a Good thing I guess to have fear of Him but I didn't know his loving side, and how deeply he ached for me. Satan whispered me so many things into my mind. I often thought “If God forgives, He’ll sure forgive me” or “Only a few minutes..." I failed and failed and failed.
When I had solitude times I would try to forget about what I was doing so I could feel worthy in His prescience. I was trapped; no one knew the spiritual battle that was happening inside my room, inside this little head of mine. My family was known to be Christians, and they were very prude. They knew I did it though, when I was little but we never spoke of it. It was forbidden. I couldn’t speak up. It was impossible; I was being looked differently upon.
I was sickened by what I did, what would others think?
I think the hardest part was knowing what I was doing was not right and it displeased by creator. I promised to stop, I remember particurly one promise I made, if he healed me, I would tell people of what I did. I got desperate.
I started making bargains. No one knew how hard it was. No one said anything or spoke of the matter; I was a girl as well! I knew that God loved me and he had the power but it just felt like he was being silent. I look back now and I can so clearly hear him shouting in the gentlest voice "No stop! Repent!"
I always wondered up until recently why God didn't heal me when I was suffering so badly. And he showed me this verse "If we say that we do not have any sin, we are deceiving ourselves and we're not being truthful to ourselves" 1 John 1:8. I wasn't being truthful I went into God's prescience thinking that I was ok; I had no sin that in me. I didn't admit this, and I never repented. I didn’t want to let go, I couldn't. It had become my life.
When you do it, a chemical is released into your brain. It is like drugs, and you want more and more and more. I was ensnared. Addicted to this rush it gave me. But it was like sugar coated poison. The few seconds of bliss joy, then turned into the feeling of guilt and shame. Satan told me so many lies.
I thought I was a failure; I couldn’t look at God right now. I did it again; I made another empty promise not to.
God kept trying hard to touch this subject with me. I once was listening to music and the song From the Inside Out came on, and the lyrics just spoke to me. 1000 times I've failed, still your mercy remains, should I stumble again?
Still I'm caught in your grace.
Another time was one of the first times I read my bible and enjoyed it. I only ever read it and prayed out of obligation. I could never pray passionately or the way pastors and the "Holy Gurus" prayed. I just found it boring and repetitive but i felt bad if i didn't. Anyway, i read this verse I read Who can separate us from the love of God? – Romans 8:35 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither heights nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord – Romans 8:38-39 I felt so intrigued by it. After reading that verse I read the whole book of Romans throughout a few weeks..
I started going to youth group. One night early in the year I went along to a youth rally. I thought it was pretty darn cool stuff. The guy who preached was really amazing preacher. He had half his face blown off from the vietnam war. He really captured me. At the end of the night we had an alter call. I didnt feel the need to stand up but my friend next to me asked me to go with her. So I did. I dont remember when it started but something moved it me. I had chills up my spine, and a joy and love filled me. It was an indescrible feeling, it was so strong I had the urge to cry. It was completeness, compassion and so much more. The holy spirit was moving in ways i had never felt before. They played music and i just had to worship. God's love and joy, I had to worship HIM, it was the only thing that I could do. it was the best feeling. I was trembling in awe. I had never worshipped like that.
The feeling didn't wear off either. I went home and the traces of it were still on me. I was so joyful. But after a week of staying strong and not falling to Satan's snare, i started again. you may be like "OMG! Why? when God was so open to you about his feelings?" but satan still had a huge grip.
It was an addiction, but not one that could be broken easily. It was too powerful for my humanness to overcome by myself. It was literally impossible for me to be free of this thing that I had been doing my whole life. I got frustrated and upset that I couldnt break free. The truth was I was trying to by myself. I was so ensnared, so tangled, so captured, and I ignored God's plea to help. I just tried to overcome it by myself. Although I knew that I didnt need to earn forgiveness because somehow it was already given to me, i subconsiouly sunk into thinking I had to earn it.
I was so screwed. Demons actually started showing me that they existed in full on ways. In May 2009 I was home sick with the flu.  I would just get random sexual thoughts come into my mind. They weren't suttle at all, they just flew in my head randomly in the middle of conversations, in the middle of going to get my haircut. And I would become really creeped out because I wouldn’t of even been thinking about sex at the time. I would get random bursts of exhaustion as well and literally felt like I was going to fall asleep right wherever I was but a few moments later it would be all gone. I now know that they gave me exhaustion triggers because it was a way to get me in bed, and that is where i did it the most often. It got so bad that I wouldnt even do it for the pleasure anymore, i just did it because i could.
The night Mum was watching Marly and Me on Tv. I lied on the couch with her and i just started shivering. I wasn't even cold, I just couldn’t stop it.
Mum was really surprised she even said "I thought you were getting better!" I was shivering the whole movie. When it was finished mum had to tuck me into bed like I was little again. I was shaking. Mum left the room for a moment, she left the light on and a story popped into my head that one of my friends had told me earlier that week. About this girl that had been demon possessed who was shaking violently, and a man had laid hands on her and said "In the Name of Jesus I command you to leave," and it stopped. The shivering wasn't as bad as violently shaking. But i just wanted to see if it would work. So I said something along the mind of "Jesus is here, get out," I didnt expect it to actually have an affect. I remember looking at my lightbulb and all of sudden my shivering stopped. It dyed out.I dont want to think about what would've happened if I hadn't caught it then. I had a few random sexual images come into my mind that night but i fought against them and they stopped.I freaked out when that happened. I didnt know that demons had lingered on me. They had been surrounding me for the past two days, maybe even the week and they were digging into me in ways they hadnt before. It was the most scariest thing i have encountered. You always know God is there, but when stuff likes that happen and it confirms he is actually there… it is indescribable.. He shielded me that night. It felt like I got no sleep at all because Everytime I woke up in the night I still had tears in my eyes. I was praising Him non stop all night. I feared Him so much, but I couldnt believe He did that. He showed me How powerful He was. But He didn’t harm me. He helped me, He came to my rescue. And he didnt like what I was doing because the enemy had such a strong overpowering hold in my life and He had compassion on me. I think He really trying to get across to me that He was powerful and had strength more then I could imagine.
Even after the most scariest spiritual incident in my life occured, I still did not let go of doing though. I promised I would but i slipped back into it again.
  It wasn't until September 2009 I finally stopped. It was just the last time, I didnt even know it was the last time, God works in mysterious ways and I reckon their was a real party in Heaven that night.
I still feared telling people about my addiction, it was a massive phoebia of mine. Because if God ever asked me to do this I would have to let him down.
In March 2010, I finally told someone. My best friend Emma. She didnt eat me for it.It was a real spirtual night for me. And i had a perfect peace and no anxiety when i felt it was time to tell her. I did something I would not normally be able to do. Isaiah 26:3 says "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you" After that I started looking back on the things I had done. I had sort of just buried it in a box and forgotten about it but now I was reopening them, but this time not unleashing anything. I discovered how far gone I was and how God really dug for me, he dug for me so deeply I can't beleive the depths he went too to get me. I shoved all his stuff in his face, but he still went after me and loved me and called me His child. I wrote poetry and it helped. And gosh, I cant believe How amazing God is. He is so incredible.And a God of the impossible I cant describe in words for you.
I asked him why it took so long for Him to answer my prayers and heal me. I had gotten to a point where everytime i did it I was bawling my eyes out.
Crying to HIm and feeling so pathetic and everything impossible. I told me staright out that he did it to see if I had enough hope and faith to persevere. I was so shocked for such a quick response. I usually asked God questions and he responded in the way I wans't expecting.
  He had healed me because every time I would run back to him. Even though I felt that things were impossible and I knew I had let Him down. My faith had healed me. Like the lady who bled for all those years and touched Jesus'
clothes, her faith had healed her.
On May 30th 2010 at age 14 I got baptised by my youth Leader.  I had been thinking about getting baptised ever since my sister got baptised in February that year. But I kept thinking up reasons not to do it. I hadn’t told anyone about my addiction and I wasn’t keen on going up in front of everyone and talking about it. But then March came along and I had. Alas, again I was curious about baptism. But I think I was really freaked out about the idea of going up in front of everyone and saying my life story. One day I was on the phone to my best friend Emma. I told her why I didn’t want to get baptised and she said “Do you want to follow God? Then get baptised. If it is fear keeping you back then it is probably Satan being “EW!”
I realised she was right and then 2 months later was baptised.
I have this friend who is a massive goody-two shoes. I often get annoyed at her but one day she told me my mind wasn't pure because I told a dirty joke and God didnt like that and that made me really angry. I think she is over the top with her beliefs but the more I thought about it she was right and realized she was right. But I thought it would be impossible to change that because of what i had been doing previously in my life. I didn’t want to turn into her views of everything. I thought pacifically “I guess it is just a side effect of having dealt with this addiction. It would be impossible to heal that,” I forgot that God was a God of the impossible and he proved me wrong. A few months later I noticed that all the sexual stuff and those thoughts stopped being a desire. It just stopped, I never had a
massive desire to think about sex in a ewish way.  I was in awe.   I thought
I would never be fully healed, and I was.
The bible doesnt speak much on Mastberation. Everyone argues with this topic, but the bible also doesnt pacifically state pornography is a sin either. It just says remain pure. Humans generally know what is right and wrong. I had guilt after doing it, before i knew what it was.
But In some ways it is good, it realises sexual tension so you wont go to far before marriage. If you can masterbate without that fantasies that come along with it, and are not addicted then maybe that is ok. I honestly can't tell you that. But It is too easy to get addicted to it. It does feel amazing, but Satan will use whatever he can get on you to drag you away from God. God feels so much better. don’t let yourself get vulnerable. Don’t give Satan strongholds.
It has been a year since I have been healed! woot! I was blind, now i see!
But i have had a lot of bumps since then. I think satan saw he was losing the battle and just went onto the next thing that would hurt me. I got depression for a while. I subconsciously sunk into sadness, for months without realizing. I felt unworthy, not of God but of everyone. I noticed this though, before it could get any worse and I am clinging to God. If you are suffering what I am suffering then email me because I could give you a stack load of verses and songs that would help out. Cling to God, have faith and He will save you. Isaiah 41:15 "You will be a new threshing instrument with many sharp teeth. You will tear your enemies apart, making chaff of mountains."
God doesn’t lie, he loves you, he cries for you, you are his beloved child.
So stand back! God changed me, made a miracle out of my life and I am only freakin 14! imagine how further He will go?


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