Sunday, 30 September 2012
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A major news story broke on AOL and countless other mainstream news media outlets, this past week, that the Obama Health Care Bill
will require all U.S. citizens and babies to receive a microchip or
Medchip by March 23, 2013. Whether or not the microchip requirement in
the bill is implemented by 2013, remains to be seen.
2010, my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” was released, and I
asked the question, “Is the microchip implant hidden in the Healthcare Bill?
Are newborn children starting in 2013 going to receive a microchip
shortly after birth?” Then in the book, I wrote, “ In the massive US HEALTHCARE BILL, which your elected representatives voted for without reading, there is a section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device
registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to
facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each
device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a
class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”
language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for
making America the first nation in the world that would require every
U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip
for the purpose of controlling medical care.
A number of states like Virginia, have passed “stop the mark of the beast legislation” in an effort to stop this kind of legislation.
with numerous other things that I have written and spoken about based
on solid documentation, I am regularly challenged by some, and
especially those in the Christian community, who are clueless about what
is going on. Their criticism has never prevented me from presenting the
facts, because I never take a poll about what I write or speak on. A
Christian is called to speak the truth in love, whether or not it is
accepted. I am not trying to disparage any ministry, but I don’t
determine what I say based on whether or not it is “seeker friendly,” or
popular. The only issue is, is it true and is it wise to communicate it
at that particular time?
are many things that I could say, but don’t, because there many people
in our nation who, when confronted with a truth that is outside the box
of their socially engineered consciousness, go into cognitive dissonance. As the microchip implant moves closer day by day, along with the “manufactured crisis” of illegal immigration,
the problems of states like Arizona are creating an environment where
Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are moving
legislation forward that would require all U.S. workers, citizens and
resident alike, to obtain and carry a National Biometric ID Card in
order to work within the United States. It does not matter where you
stand on the issue of amnesty or immigration, everyone is going to have
to have a National Biometric ID Card that will eventually contain an
RFID transmitter which will allow Big Brother electronic data bases to
track all of your personal information. It is a simply a national ID card under another name. The national
ID card will transition into a microchip implant, because that is
technically more efficient. All of this which is about to happen very
soon, is just the tip of the iceberg.
President Ronald Reagan refused to pass what he called this “Mark of the Beast” legislation. In my book, “Are You Ready for the Microchip?,” I examine the careful wording in the Health Care Bill
which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. It was never
hidden, it is simply Republican and Democrat, along with our
corporate-controlled and Orwellian media, who deliberately chose to
ignore it. The Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Before the Health Care
Bill was passed, the target date was set for the year 2013, when every
baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth. Many are
attacking President Obama for this, but although it is the Obama Health Care
Bill, the microchip plan was created decades ago and put onto the fast
track by the Republican Administration of President George Bush and his
allegedly “born-again” Attorney General,
John Ashcroft, after 911. It seems Ashcroft was more concerned about
covering up the breasts of a Lady Liberty statue in the hallway of the
Department of Justice, than he was about protecting our Constitutional
liberties, which include the freedom of religion.
Evangelical Christians make excellent political pawns because they
focus on secondary issues, rather than the important issues. This is
because Evangelical Christianity in America today does not have a truly
Biblical worldview. I truly do not want to sound unkind, but the
historical reality is that Evangelical Christians have played the part
of what Lenin called “useful idiots.” Obviously, this is not what God
planned for His people. But, by rejecting a Biblical worldview, the
Scripture, “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” is fulfilled. The
majority of Evangelical Christians in America have a very superficial
faith as a result of what they are being taught in many of their
churches and seminaries.
The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. The Apostle Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion
and force people to accept the mark of the beast. A microchip implant,
biochip implant or med chip, in and of itself, is not necessarily the
mark of the beast. The mark of the beast under the direction of the
False Prophet, requires the conscious rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord
and a commitment to worship the Antichrist as God.
challenge for Christians and others will be the very act of taking a
microchip implant, biochip implant or med chip, simply because of its
parallel to the Biblical mark of the beast. Will people of faith be
exempted for religious reasons or will they be forced to take it or
imprisoned. In addition, any microchip technology could be activated
with enhanced controls after it is implanted. So what starts out as a
simple microchip implant could become a technology where at some future
time, you must worship the Antichrist as God, and reject Jesus Christ as
Lord in order to participate in the economic system. The built-in and evolving capacity of microchip technology makes this a dangerous possibility.
the final analysis, the simple act of accepting the implantation of a
microchip for medical reasons appears harmless on the surface. However,
there is no guarantee that once it is implanted, that it will not be
activated for mark of the beast technology. This is the danger and
challenge that lies before us.
Friday, 28 September 2012
Unapoona umekula jiulize jirani yangu amekela nini?
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Jana niliandika makala iliyokuwa inasema kuwa kwa nini hapa duniani kuna matabaka ya walio nacho na wasiokuwa nacho, Hivi ukingalia hii picha unajifunza nini? hawa ni mojawapo ya waathirika wa njaa nchini Somalia

Biashara ya ngono inavyoendelea kushamili mjini kampala
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Waenga wanasema ukutaka kuelewa mji vizuri utembelee wakati wa usiku , hapo ndo utagundua kuwa hapa duniani kuna biashara ya aina nyingi, iliyo alali na isiyo alali
Kabalagala ni mojawapo ya sehemu maarufu sana hapa mjini kampala maarufu kwa wauza ngono
Lakini pia unapoona picha kama hizi mpenzi msomaji unapaswa kujiuliza hivi je wanawake tu ndo wanafanya biashara ya ngono au hata wanaume?
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Ground Zero Pub in Wandegeya was yesterday night gutted by fire which destroyed properties worth millions of shillings. The fire reportedly broke out at 10:15pm when people had gathered to watch football .The fire is said to have started from the Managers office on the upper floor. Ground Zero Wandegeya on Fire By the time the fire brigade came to contain the fire, it had spread to Ownez bar and Kings sports betting offices however it was stopped from spreading to Barclays and Eco bank. Kings Sports Betting lost 15 slot machines each costing sh10 million. No deaths were recorded and only one person, a bouncer at the pub was injured during the incident. The fire brigade said that they could not assess the cause of the fire last night but they are set to visit the scene today morning to establish the cause.
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Ground Zero Pub in Wandegeya was yesterday night gutted by fire which destroyed properties worth millions of shillings.
The fire reportedly broke out at 10:15pm when people had gathered to watch football .The fire is said to have started from the Managers office on the upper floor.
By the time the fire brigade came to contain the fire, it had spread to Ownez bar and Kings sports betting offices however it was stopped from spreading to Barclays and Eco bank.
Kings Sports Betting lost 15 slot machines each costing sh10 million.
No deaths were recorded and only one person, a bouncer at the pub was injured during the incident.
The fire brigade said that they could not assess the cause of the fire last night but they are set to visit the scene today morning to establish the cause.
The fire reportedly broke out at 10:15pm when people had gathered to watch football .The fire is said to have started from the Managers office on the upper floor.
By the time the fire brigade came to contain the fire, it had spread to Ownez bar and Kings sports betting offices however it was stopped from spreading to Barclays and Eco bank.
Kings Sports Betting lost 15 slot machines each costing sh10 million.
No deaths were recorded and only one person, a bouncer at the pub was injured during the incident.
The fire brigade said that they could not assess the cause of the fire last night but they are set to visit the scene today morning to establish the cause.
The fire reportedly broke out at 10:15pm when people had gathered to watch football .The fire is said to have started from the Managers office on the upper floor.
By the time the fire brigade came to contain the fire, it had spread to Ownez bar and Kings sports betting offices however it was stopped from spreading to Barclays and Eco bank.
Kings Sports Betting lost 15 slot machines each costing sh10 million.
No deaths were recorded and only one person, a bouncer at the pub was injured during the incident.
The fire brigade said that they could not assess the cause of the fire last night but they are set to visit the scene today morning to establish the cause.
The fire reportedly broke out at 10:15pm when people had gathered to watch football .The fire is said to have started from the Managers office on the upper floor.
By the time the fire brigade came to contain the fire, it had spread to Ownez bar and Kings sports betting offices however it was stopped from spreading to Barclays and Eco bank.
Kings Sports Betting lost 15 slot machines each costing sh10 million.
No deaths were recorded and only one person, a bouncer at the pub was injured during the incident.
The fire brigade said that they could not assess the cause of the fire last night but they are set to visit the scene today morning to establish the cause.
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Wanasema uzuri liko katika macho ya beholder, lakini sisi wote wanakubaliana kwamba kuna msingi viwango kwamba hawezi kuwa kujadiliwa kuhusu. Baadhi ya watu ni tu nzuri zaidi kuliko wengine. Leo, sisi kuangalia ambao Uganda mazuri celebrities kike ni.
Wanaweza kukidhi mahitaji yako yote lakini wao wana kitu maalum kuhusu wao kwamba hutuma watu kuzungumza na kwamba ni miili yao. Kufurahia optically!
Neema Nakimera - Yeye ni sexy na mwili moto na photogenic. Yeye ana boobs nice kuongeza mwili ingawa kumekuwa na mjadala juu ya kama yeye alikuwa na kazi boob, lakini anasema wao wote ni wa asili. Yeye nguo mwili kwa njia sahihi. 'Kawonawo' nyota exudes ngono rufaa bila kuacha akili na uhuru.
Mya Bagenda - Yeye ana kwamba kuangalia na mwili craves mfano kila kwa; tucked katika tummy, haki curves na makalio hakuna ziada au makalio. Nini mwanga kuwalisha Blu3 mwimbaji wanaweza kukosa katika Waimbaji ni vizuri katika fidia kwa ajili ya mwili na inaonekana. Hakika sisi ni kukosa wake kutoka eneo music kama yeye ni nje katika likizo ya uzazi.
Zari Hassan - Wachache watu wanaweza kuzaa watoto watatu na bado kuangalia kama moto kama Zari. Afrika mwimbaji msingi ni tu gorgeous kwa kuwa mwili na mwili huo. Urithi wake unahusisha nchi nyingi na babu yake ya kimama kuwa Hindi na mke wa Uganda; babu yake kibaba ni Somalia na mke wa Burundi.
Kirema Zuena - She ni lilipimwa kama moja ya wanawake wa Uganda sexiest. Complexion yake hufanya yake na kuvutia au bila kufanya up. Yeye ana graced kurasa gazeti zaidi ya mwanamke mwingine wowote. Jambo ni kwamba hii mama wa watoto wawili anajua ziada nguvu yake pointi-yake laini miguu na macho kubwa. Ambao wanaweza lawama Bebe Cool ajili ya kupambana na kupata nyuma yake?
Desire Luzinda - Yeye ni mfano halisi wa 'sexiness' African mwimbaji ana mwili moto kamili na ziada ukubwa kitako-na makalio na tummy gorofa. Hiyo aliongeza kwa uzuri wake wa asili na giza, jina yake ya kwanza suti yake. Yeye ni dhahiri kuhitajika na sisi sasa kujua kwa nini tycoons kadhaa ni tamaa ya kuwa na kipande ya yake
Wanasema uzuri liko katika macho ya beholder, lakini sisi wote wanakubaliana kwamba kuna msingi viwango kwamba hawezi kuwa kujadiliwa kuhusu. Baadhi ya watu ni tu nzuri zaidi kuliko wengine. Leo, sisi kuangalia ambao Uganda mazuri celebrities kike ni.
Wanaweza kukidhi mahitaji yako yote lakini wao wana kitu maalum kuhusu wao kwamba hutuma watu kuzungumza na kwamba ni miili yao. Kufurahia optically!
Neema Nakimera - Yeye ni sexy na mwili moto na photogenic. Yeye ana boobs nice kuongeza mwili ingawa kumekuwa na mjadala juu ya kama yeye alikuwa na kazi boob, lakini anasema wao wote ni wa asili. Yeye nguo mwili kwa njia sahihi. 'Kawonawo' nyota exudes ngono rufaa bila kuacha akili na uhuru.
Mya Bagenda - Yeye ana kwamba kuangalia na mwili craves mfano kila kwa; tucked katika tummy, haki curves na makalio hakuna ziada au makalio. Nini mwanga kuwalisha Blu3 mwimbaji wanaweza kukosa katika Waimbaji ni vizuri katika fidia kwa ajili ya mwili na inaonekana. Hakika sisi ni kukosa wake kutoka eneo music kama yeye ni nje katika likizo ya uzazi.
Zari Hassan - Wachache watu wanaweza kuzaa watoto watatu na bado kuangalia kama moto kama Zari. Afrika mwimbaji msingi ni tu gorgeous kwa kuwa mwili na mwili huo. Urithi wake unahusisha nchi nyingi na babu yake ya kimama kuwa Hindi na mke wa Uganda; babu yake kibaba ni Somalia na mke wa Burundi.
Kirema Zuena - She ni lilipimwa kama moja ya wanawake wa Uganda sexiest. Complexion yake hufanya yake na kuvutia au bila kufanya up. Yeye ana graced kurasa gazeti zaidi ya mwanamke mwingine wowote. Jambo ni kwamba hii mama wa watoto wawili anajua ziada nguvu yake pointi-yake laini miguu na macho kubwa. Ambao wanaweza lawama Bebe Cool ajili ya kupambana na kupata nyuma yake?
Desire Luzinda - Yeye ni mfano halisi wa 'sexiness' African mwimbaji ana mwili moto kamili na ziada ukubwa kitako-na makalio na tummy gorofa. Hiyo aliongeza kwa uzuri wake wa asili na giza, jina yake ya kwanza suti yake. Yeye ni dhahiri kuhitajika na sisi sasa kujua kwa nini tycoons kadhaa ni tamaa ya kuwa na kipande ya yake
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Muda mwingi huwa tunapenda kuwauliza watu wengine maswali.Lakini mimi nitakuwa nakuletea maswalimatano yakujiuliza wewe mwenyewe binafsi.
1.Wewe ni nani?
2.Unajipenda?kama ndio kwa nini kama sio kwa nini?
3.Ni vitu gani muhimu katika maisha yako?
4.Ni mafanikio gani unayojivunia katika maisha yako kwa sasa?
5.Nini lengo lako duniani?kwa nini upo duniani?
Kwa leo maswali matano ni hayo na nitakuwa nakuwekea mara kwa mara.Sio lazima unijibu mimi,jijibu wewe mwenyewe ila unaweza kushare nami kunifahamisha kama umeguswa.
NOTE:Kama ni mtu wa kuchukua mambo kirahisi bila kufikiri kwa kina unaweza kuhisi ni maswali yasiyo na maana.Ila ni maswali makubwa sana unayotakiwa kujiuliza.
Kagera ni moja ya mikoa inayoendelea kujaliwa fulsa za kitalii
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Kagera ni moja ya mikoa inayoendelea kujaliwa fulsa za kitalii
Tanzania ni moja ya nchi inayoendelea kujaliwa mali asili nyingi za
kitalii, wazungu waliowengi hupenda kutembele nchi ya Tanzania kwa ajili
ya kujionea asilia ya mambo mbalimbali kama milima, mabonde, maziwa
pamoja na kuangalia maisha ya watanzania jinsi wanavyoishi, Na ndani ya
Tanzania kuna baadhi ya mikoa ambayo ilijaliwa kuwa na mambo mengi
yanayopendwa kuzuliwa na wenzetu, mfano mkoa wa Kagera ni mkoa ambao
ukiuangalia kwa asili yake its xo amazing, Lakini tatizo watanzania hili
hatuliangalii kama ni fulsa nzuri za kuweza kutumia
ni mmoja ya (sijui niuite milma sijui niyaite mawe), lakini kama
unavyoweza kuona wazungu walivyopouz wakifurahia hewa nzuri ya kagera,
Mungu ibariki Kagera ,Mungu ibariki Tanzania
Wakati wa jioni Karagwe kunaonekana hivi.
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Wakati wa jioni Karagwe kunaonekana hivi.
Ninapokuwa wilayani karagwe huwa navutiwa sana na mwonekano wake wakati
wa jioni, . My program site is in Kayanga town, in the Karagwe
district, of the Kagera region of Tanzania. It is one of the most remote
regions in Tanzania, and we are living in a rural community in the
mountains of the Northwest. We are situated between Rwanda to the West,
Lake Victoria to the East, and Uganda to the North.
Kayanga is beautiful. It is higher in elevation other areas,
so it is greener and a little bit cooler. From the house, you can see
the hillside leading down into a green valley and in the distance a
green river. There are rolling mountains all around us, red dirt paths,
flowering trees, and welcoming people. There are not manypeople
here—foreigners, or white people—because Kayanga is pretty remote,
Hii no moja ya pcha inayoonesha hali halisi ya maeneo ya karagwe wakati
wa jioni, Nyumba pembeni ni Gest inayoitwa Misha ya mjini kayanga
karage, Giza ndo usiseme
Ziwa Victoria Fahari ya mkoa wa Kagera, tutumia fulsa zilizomo
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Ziwa Victoria Fahari ya mkoa wa Kagera, tutumia fulsa zilizomo
Ziwa victoria mkoani kagera ni moja ya kitu ambacho kinaeendelea kuupa
sifa kubwa mkoa wa kagera, Licha ya ya kuwa choombo mojawapo ya
kuwafanya wakaazi wa mkoa wa kagera kujipatia ajira pamoja na kitoweo
cha kila siku, Aidha watu kutoka nje ya nchi hupenda kuja mkoani kagera
kwa ajil ya kuanalia ziwa hili zuri sana lililozungukwa na magugu maji,
ya hini mwa mlima huu pia hufaa kwa kilimo cha umwagiliaji kutokana na
madai ya wataalammu wa kilimo lakini pia kwa kuangalia kwa macho ya
kawaida, Lakini cha kushangaza ardhi ya hapa inaendelea kujirutubisha
Pia ziwa vitoria wakati wa jioni huonekana like this
Pembeni mwa ziwa victoria kunavutia sana cos kuna milima iliyojaa kijani kibichi
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